Encouragement Psalm 46:10
As you probably know by now, I am person who loves and thrives on predictability and consistency. This verse is such a light for me when I am struggling with parenting or wanting control. I have repeated this verse in my head so many times and it gives me so much peace.
Fun fact about me, I have one tattoo. It is a small cross on my wrist and this verse was the reason for it! Such a wonderful visual reminder that He has this and I don’t. It keeps me humble and content and reminds me that I can Be Still and find Him in my heart and mind when I need Him the most.

My fav! Grateful for our tattoo reminders of who is really in control and also great memory for our BFFness. Hugs!
Krystal Torres
Yes! Such a great reminder for both! Don’t know what I’d do without you! Love you!
Always here for you and proud of you! Love you!