Encouragement Jeremiah 29:11
I want to start by saying this Blog is a huge leap of faith for me! I am stepping out of my comfort zone and into something I really feel the Lord has wanted me to do for quite some time now. So, here I am! My hope is to share verses and devotionals that may help you and me in keeping our priorities straight and our eyes fixed on the Lord, while we walk through our day to day life!
I don’t know if you’ve ever felt this way, but sometimes I feel like my life is taking twists and turns that I did not plan for. And if you don’t already know this about me, I am a major planner. I like to know what is going to happen and be prepared for it. Well the Lord doesn’t always think that is best and as I have grown and matured in my faith I have learned that the ONLY way I can get through the unknown is trust our great savior! His plan is FOR GOOD! Let me just say that one more time, His plan is For Good y’all and that is where my faith lies! Here is one of the many verses I use when I am feeling unsure!

All the yes!!!!!! We cannot control so much. It we can control our faith in the Lord and His plan. May our faith be greater than our fear! Thank you for posting and sharing this! It is very encouraging!
Krystal Torres
So glad it brought encouragement to you! I am so excited to hold myself accountable to this every Friday as well as having it for others to look forward too! The world needs this and so do I! Love you friend!
Thank you for this! I’m always having to remind myself that I need to trust…
My sister sent me this:
God is still writing your story.
Quit trying to steal th epen.
Trust the author.
Krystal Torres
Me too! It is so hard to remember that we don’t have to worry!
Oh I really love that! What a great way to put it! <3